
Ryotaro Sakata Structural Engineers




竣工年  :2021年
所在地  :東京都立川市
用途   :住宅
構造   :木造
階数   :地上2階
延床面積 :205.74㎡
建築設計 :MDS
掲載誌  :日本建築学会作品選集2024
      新建築住宅特集 2022年1月号
受賞   :日本建築家協会優秀建築選2022
      第49回東京建築賞 住宅部門奨励賞


Although the two different spaces are the warehouse on the first floor and the residence on the second floor, the upper and lower floors are structurally connected through pillars. The pillars from the first floor pass through two rows separated beams of second floor and reach the level of the eaves on the second floor. The upper part from the eave level is composed of studs, purlins, and diagonals made of small-diameter member with a width of 90 mm, creating a light and delicate roof structure that contrasts with the main frame. The wind load on the gable is resisted by the studs on the upper wall and the cantilever columns 120×210 at the bottom. The two cedar log columns that support the horizontal beam crossing the center of the room are cantilevered to ensure the stability of the structure.

撮影:藤井 浩司